Results for "Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply"

34 items total [1 - 10] << First < Previous Next > Last >>

Removal of Pollutants from Poor Quality Coals by Pyrolysis

Aiming to meet the recently adopted strict environmental standards, and the need of affordable in cost clean power production, a preventive fuels pre-treatment technique, based on low temperature carbonization, has been tested. Clean coals were produced from two poor quality Greek coals and an Austr...

coal, carbonization, clean coal, pollutants removal, reactivity

Leaching and Toxicity Behavior of Coal–Biomass Waste Cocombustion Ashes

The leachability of trace elements from lignite, biomass, and blends cocombustion ashes was investigated by using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) of the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). In this work, the toxicity of the aqueous leachates and the concentrations of th...

Solid residues, Biomass, Chemical composition, Morphology, Mineralogy, Leaching, Toxicity

Production of special activated carbon from lignite for environmental purposes

A treatment technique involving three sequential stages (demineralisation, activation and sulphur dispersion) was developed for the production of suitable activated carbons. Demineralisation included three steps of acid treatment and samples received were characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD). A ...

Lignite, Active carbon production, Toxic emissions

Thermal exploitation of wastewood with lignite for energy production

Blends of natural wood, demolition wood, railroad sleepers, medium-density fiberboard residues, and power poles with lignite were used, and the co-combustion efficiency and the effect of wastewood addition on the emitted pollutants were investigated. Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and oxides of ni...

Wastewood, lignite, co-combustion, energy production

ASSOCOGS- Assessment of Options for CO2 Capture and Geological Sequestration

This research is composed by the study, testing and modeling of the main CO2 capture technologies, mechanisms for economic sequestration (enhanced coal-bed methane) and use of CO2 for enhanced coal mine methane production (CMM). More specifically it includes:

Energy conversion system

The current development enables the handling of small-volume water flows to produce electricity. The known turbine types are not capable of working with or have low efficiency ratio when operating with small water quantities and low head. The new technical solution is expected to achieve a maximum e...

Production and wholesale of heating technics and alternative energy

The aim of the invention is to create a heating boiler of higher efficiency and reduced amount of environmentally- harmful, dismissed into the atmosphere, emissions, operating with pellets as well as with other kind of biofuel. The solution to this aim is a heating boiler, which consists of a coated...

heating, energy efficiency

Eco air-conditioner

The amount of heat / cooling, through an energy transmitter - the air, is passed to the entrance of the heated object: working place, bed, armchair etc. The valve for weight, a crane or another device or regulator is activated only by human’s presence. There is access to the air path (with local or...

Heating, ecology, energy efficiency, mobility, healthy

Buoys Reverse-Dynamo

A Reverse-dynamo consists of a reel with a coil of rope on the outer edge and a spiral spring attached to the axle on the inside. When the rope is pulled, the reel is rotated about its axis, and movement is transmitted by belt or gear dynamo that produces electricity. Releasing the rope through spoo...

renewable energy sources

Zero emission pyrolysis process for economical conversion of biomass to biochar and transport biofuel

Development of integrated carbon management innovative technologies: 1. Carbon Recycling, zero emission carbonization for recycling of carbon for wide range of natural and carbon negative product applications. 2. Carbon Bio-formulation, biotech formulation of carbon for efficient bio and plant avai...

Pyrolysis, biochar, synfuel, Phosphorous, carbon

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