Results for "Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products"

37 items total [1 - 10] << First < Previous Next > Last >>

Modified calcium silicate-containing adhesive systems

A bioactive/therapeutic bonding agent containing modified calcium-silicate cements may accomplish this aim by replacing water from resin-sparse regions of the hybrid layer with apatite crystallites that are small enough to occupy the extrafibrillar and intrafibrillar compartments of the collagen mat...

Calcium-silicate, Portland, mineral active substances, titanium oxide, bioactive filler

Proteomics of ovine colostrum: bioactive substances and their influence on growth and production quality in the lamb.

The "mapping" of normal sheep colostrum can show characteristic patterns of mammary inflammation and thus provide guidance on possible markers of inflammation or the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the mammary gland. ...

Lamb, growth, colostrum, production quality

Optimized fuel cell cathode

The invention generally is directed to a cathode based on NdBaCo2O5+x nanolaminate and a method for forming the cathode of a solid oxide fuel cell based on NdBaCo2O5+x nanolaminate employing RF magnetron sputtering. An IT SOFC stack can include cathode based on NdBaCo2O5+x nanolaminate, wherein the...

A lavatory pan seat

by capturing the gases from the toilet bowl directly, the room is kept clean and has no nead for additional fragrancing. The main challenge lies in the chemical treatment of the gases captured, which are afterwards released in the bathroom. Hence the volume of air that has to be sucked away is much ...

Hybrid Photocatalysis - Ultrafiltration oxidation process for a broad range of water treatment applications

A hybrid photocatalysis-ultrafiltration membrane system offers an integrated solution for simultaneous oxidation of organic substances and separation of suspended photo-catalyst nano-particles. This novel technology is implemented in a continuous, once-through, mode of operation with automatically c...

Integrated advanced oxidation process, membrane filtration, suspended TiO2 nano-particles, UV-A radiation, organic matter destruction

Method for production of functional plant, energizing, anti-depressive and euphoric sparkling beverages

The method for production of functional plant, energizing, anti-depressive and euphoric sparkling beverages is according our own ‘know how” and Bulgarian patent for invention № 66092/2011 with priority V.2008г. and is based on the usage of N2O gas and optimized parameters for its absorption in a ga...

Biodegradable halogen-free fire retardant composition and methods for its application.

The innovative flame retardants are applied for hydrophilic and hydrophobic porous polymers with different properties and structure. The effectiveness of the products in terms of the flame retardant capacity is achieved by the synergistic effect of the phosphorus and nitrogen components in it. As a ...

Material protection, Surface treatment, Fire safety, Textiles

Protein Docking

The proposed protein docking tool is able to predict the final complex, which is produced by the interaction between two proteins. More specifically, it accurately predicts the translation and rotation (pose) of one protein (ligand) with respect to another protein (receptor) in order to produce a st...

protein docking, rigid body, geometric complementarity, drug design

InnerBalance Methodology

Az InnerBalance módszertan komplex megoldást nyújt a munkahelyi stressz okozta problémák kezelésére. Az InnerBalance© egy diagnosztikai módszertan a belső egyensúly mérésére, probléma feltáráshoz, probléma megoldáshoz. Hidat képez az emberi erőforrás és az őt körülvevő munkakörnyezet közötti viszony...

Objectivity, development of awareness, efficiency, prevention, solution of problem

Zero emission pyrolysis process for economical conversion of biomass to biochar and transport biofuel

Development of integrated carbon management innovative technologies: 1. Carbon Recycling, zero emission carbonization for recycling of carbon for wide range of natural and carbon negative product applications. 2. Carbon Bio-formulation, biotech formulation of carbon for efficient bio and plant avai...

Pyrolysis, biochar, synfuel, Phosphorous, carbon

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